Legal Issues

The New Legal LandscapeOctober 17, 2024
Always Be Prepared For Potential Issues By Maura Keller

Despite risk-management practices that have reduced frivolous claims, corporate meeting planners continue to feel the effects of operating in a litigious society.

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Legal-EaseApril 15, 2024
Understanding Your Legal Obligations Makes Planning Easier By Christine Loomis

Whatever type of meeting you have and wherever it’s held, understanding your legal obligations — whether under U.S. law or the laws of the local jurisdiction — should be among your first steps in the planning process.

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An exclusive Q&A with attorney Jonathan T. Howe, Founding Partner and President, Howe & Hutton Limited By Coastal Communications

An exclusive Q&A with attorney Jonathan T. Howe, Founding Partner and President, Howe & Hutton Limited.

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“If you don’t have a formal crisis communication plan, it’s too often that either nobody will respond to the problem, or too many people will…”

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It is always worthwhile to revisit the ever-evolving topic of contract negotiation…

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Mediating Force Majeure, Cancellation Clauses and Attrition with Authority By Derek Reveron

Negotiating with hotels isn’t a planner’s favorite activity even during a buyer’s market. However, the task is even tougher in the current seller’s market.

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Experts Weigh in on Critical and New Legal Pitfalls, From Event Security to Marijuana By John Buchanan

“In today’s world, a meeting host and planner have to plan for every conceivable contingency — and have insurance coverage in place.”

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Liabilities and Due Diligence in Managing Data, Email, Websites and Social Media By Sophia Bennett

What are the emerging risks of digital communications and how can we avoid them?

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Like It or Not, Planners Must Weigh Risks and Legal Considerations at All Times By Mark Rowh

Avoiding the inevitable minefields around contract negotiations, regulations, environmental threats and more.

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Top Experts Advise Planners to Give Far Greater Attention and Care to Legal Matters By John Buchanan

Sloppy contracting and a lack of clear communication and negotiation over key terms is common in today’s harried meeting industry.

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