
Keeping It RealOctober 16, 2024
How Authenticity Plays Into a Successful Event By Kelly Sargent

An additional standard has been added to the checklist of “musts” for planners — authenticity — and industry pros seem to be talking and writing about it often these days.

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Business EthicsMay 6, 2024
Transparency in the Meetings Industry By Maura Keller

From vendor selection to environmental impacts to data privacy, there are a myriad of ethical dilemmas that meeting planners may encounter throughout the event planning process.

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The High RoadApril 11, 2022
Honesty is the Best Policy in the Meetings Industry By Nancy Mueller

In the Meetings Industry, ethical considerations should always be a priority.

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The Struggle at HomeAugust 12, 2020
Planners Working Remotely Find Ways To Balance Parenthood And Professionalism By Maura Keller

Balancing the demands of work with family responsibilities remains one of the most talked-about issues for parents today…

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“If you don’t have a formal crisis communication plan, it’s too often that either nobody will respond to the problem, or too many people will…”

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It is always worthwhile to revisit the ever-evolving topic of contract negotiation…

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Let These Meetings Industry Pros — and Your Conscience — Be Your Guide By Derek Reveron

Every industry faces ethics challenges, and meeting planning certainly is no exception. Something that looks like an incentive can be intended as a bribe.

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The Answer Is Not Always Black or White — But Often Many Shades of Gray By Christine Loomis

Not every meeting planner sees every ethical issue in exactly the same way. But most agree on this point: If it feels wrong, it probably is.

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Like a Good Marriage, Respect, Communication & Kindness Are Keys to Success By Mark Rowh

In true partnerships, everyone comes out a winner.

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Planners Need to Know the Difference and Pledge to Act Accordingly By Gabi Logan

Meeting planning ethics codes are black and white, but often do not account for the shades of gray that meeting planners encounter in the field everyday.

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