Unpaid consulting is one way to build your brand and attract new business. But too much of a good thing can leave you frustrated and burned out.
Full StoryFollowing, you’ll find a number of expert hints, tips and insights that can help you prepare your speakers to more effectively connect with and engage with attendees or connected viewers — and (regardless of whatever subject matter or format you’re working with), more effectively stand out.
Full StoryTrade shows have been an essential part of the business world for thousands of years, with companies and customers buying and selling products and trading ideas in exhibitions around the globe.
Full StoryDialing back is one of the hardest things for entrepreneurs to do, because for many of us, it feels like failure. I feel the opposite is true. An intentional pause can save your business. In other words, say no … for now.
Full StoryReflecting on the evolution of presentation tools from PowerPoint to more dynamic, interactive solutions, it’s clear that the journey toward enhancing meeting engagement is ongoing.
Full StoryGary Harpst is the author of “Built to Beat Chaos: Biblical Wisdom for Leading Yourself and Others.” He is the founder and CEO of LeadFirst. He is a keynote speaker, writer and teacher whose areas of focus include leadership, business and the integration of faith at work. He has been recognized as one of the Top […]
Full StoryLooking for ways to help others does eventually result in their helping you, but that’s not the real payoff. It cultivates a mindset that not only leads to rewarding relationships but also helps you grow as a person.
Full StoryTraits that are required to create and communicate a compelling vision require leaders to focus on what is important to their company, their values and their team.
Full StoryChanging weather patterns require meeting planners to become more proactive about planning for severe weather or be faced with costly consequences.
Full StoryArtificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are currently the hottest topic in technology today – and a subject that’s quickly catching fire amongst MICE industry leaders as well.
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